Friday, November 2, 2012

News of the suicide of one of the guards Obama

News of the suicide of one of the guards Obama

 Body was found on a private security officer with U.S. President Barack Obama in a clear case of suicide, according to press sources reported.

The news agency "together" on Friday Palestinian sources said that Special Agent Rafael Brito was under investigation for a relationship with foreign generic.

Max Miles said presidential security spokesman said police (DC) District of Columbia is being investigated in the case of death.

Miles added that Rafael Brito, 20 years characteristically worked with the presidential security apparatus marked by accomplishment and dedication and establish friendships. "

He said that Brito not under investigation because of leaking sensitive or confidential information, but underwent administrative procedures to see if he violated the rules of the presidential security apparatus.

The Secret Intelligence Agency, which holds the protection of the president and senior U.S. administration officials, reported that three of its members resign over alleged prostitution scandal in Colombia, in the middle of April.

He accused the 11 elements to bring "whores" to the hotel in which they reside, through their participation in the task of a security guard in a group went to Colombia in anticipation for the arrival of the President, Barack Obama, to them.